As a second-stage manufacturer, Coolkit Limited will provide, when requested, any information relating to products and features installed as part of the conversion process. The particulars for installation and repair of a product or feature depend on many variables of the conversion, and interactions with other products or features. As such, and on request, the particulars will be assessed by the Coolkit Limited Technical or Aftersales team and specific advice will be provided in a timely manner.
Vehicle OBD and RMI
Vehicle OBD (On Board Diagnostics) Information and Vehicle (RMI) Repair and Maintenance Information
This information can be requested as follows:
CoolKit Ltd
Thronley Ave, Blackburn, BB1 3HJ
Aftersales No: 01282 507 474
Main Line No: 01282 688 045

For First Stage manufacturer RMI and OBD information see vehicle Manufacturer details as follows:
Coolkit Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Panel Van
Commercial Name: Coolkit Sprinter RWD Box Body
Stage 2 Type
Stage 1 Type
Stage 1 Manufacturer
Stage 1 Manufacturer Address
Mercedes-Benz AG DE-70372 Stuttgart, Deutschland
Coolkit Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Box Body
Commercial Name: Coolkit Sprinter RWD Box Body
Stage 2 Type
Stage 1 Type
Stage 1 Manufacturer
Stage 1 Manufacturer Address
Mercedes-Benz AG DE-70372 Stuttgart, Deutschland
The information provided by CoolKit Limited is pursuant to Article 61 of Regulation (EU) 2018/858 of the European Parliament and of the Council (1) and Annex X to that Regulation.